

Our Memberships

Carson University Of America continuously looks forward to strengthening its relationship through memberships with institutions and organizations all over the world. CUOA’s association with these organizations is a testament of our efforts to promote the development and application of quality online education globally.

Carson University Of America is a member of the following world-renowned organizations:



The United States Distance Learning Association was the first nonprofit distance learning association in the United States to support distance learning research, development and praxis across the complete arena of education, training and communications.



United States Education Commission is an American accreditation and equalization granting body for academic institutes and individuals. United States Education Commission mission is to ensure that all the accredited institute meets pre-determined standard of education in the industry. United States Education Commission is thought to be the largest independent accreditation body in the world.





The Ministry of Higher Education Commission is an independent, statutory, and autonomous regulatory authority responsible for overseeing, accrediting, regulating, and funding higher education institutions in the Middle East.




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Scholarships Available for Students in United Arab Emirates

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Carson University Of America - the world's largest online University!
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The program fees shown above of other Universities is only for information purposes and was taken on from their respective websites.

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