Fee Payment Options

An Overview

There are different fee payment options to help you pay your program fees according to what is convenient for you. You can either pay the complete fee at once, and get 14.5% discount or you can pay in 2 easy installments for a 7% discount. See details below.


Complete Fee Payment Option

With the help of this option, if you pay remaining fees for your program at once, you will
get a fee reduction of up to 14.5% (this fee reduction is other than the financial aid). In
order to further minimize the financial burden on students, Carson University Of America has started
this Complete Fee Payment Option.

Save 14.5%



Case Study:

Erica, a working adult, enrolled in bachelor's degree program. She became eligible for 50% scholarship which reduced her fee considerably. Additionally, she also opted to pay the complete fees at once and got a 14.5% discount in return. After the discount and scholarship, her financial summary was as follows:


Program Fee Enrollment Fee: $499
Program Fee for Bachelor's Degree: $47,520
Total Fee: $14,899
Less: 50% scholarship ($7,449)
Reduced fee before the discount $7,449
Less:  14% Complete Fee Payment Discount   ($1,043)
Fee payable after the discount $6,406


Fee Payment in 2 installments

You can also choose to pay your fees in 2 easy installments. Thanks to this option, you

will be entitled you to a 7% discount on your full program fee.

Save 7%


Case Study:

Mathew enrolled in master's degree program. He became eligible for 25% scholarship on merit basis.  Additionally, he also opted to pay in 2 easy installments and got a 7% discount in return. His financial summary was as follows:
Program Fee Enrollment Fee: $499
Program Fee for Master’s Degree: $ 12300.00
Total Fee: $12799.00
Less: 25% scholarship (3199.75)
Reduced fee before the discount $25,740
Less: 14% Complete Fee Payment Discount  $1,344
Fee payable after the discount $8,256


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The program fees shown above of other Universities is only for information purposes and was taken on from their respective websites.

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