School of Computer Science

CUOA's School of Computer Science offers degree, diploma and certificate programs in 7 different majors, that surpass the traditional programs offered by world class universities across the globe in terms of ease & flexibility, affordability, quickness and quality of education.


All programs of Carson University Of America are 100% accredited by The International Accreditation Organization (IAO). Furthermore, School of Computer Science is also accredited to award degree, diploma and certificate programs.


The CUOA School of Computer Science offers online degrees to learn about computer expertise and conducts research in basic and advanced computer science, software engineering, Network Management, Software Engineering, Web Development, Multimedia and Animation. Through our programs, students can acquire skills pertaining to the operation of computer hardware systems, including mainframes, minicomputers or network of personal computers. They can also get an in-depth knowledge of various corrective measures for problems that arise from system breakdowns. In addition, a grip on animation and design can also be achieved in record time.


If you choose to earn a Computer science degree from Carson University Of America expect to venture far beyond textbook reading. We believe that if you want to learn academic theory, then all you have to do is read a textbook. But, if you want to learn how theories relate to the business world we live in, take a class with us.


Below are the fee structure and time required to complete the programs at CUOA School of Computer Science :

  • Degree program fees: $19,800 - $63,180 Time: less than 1 year
  • Diploma program fees: $2,700 - $4,500 Time: less than 5 months
  • Certificate program fees: $499 - $1,800 Time: less than 3 months


CUOA's School of Computer Science engages the services of an experienced and talented faculty comprising scholars, researchers, and professionals dedicated to both teaching and groundbreaking research. They blend academic theory with firsthand experience to enrich your learning experience and to broaden your perspectives on the latest issues and best practices.

  •   Aziz Altamimi
    PhD Degree in Major of Inform...
    United States

    View Profile

  •   Hyung Lim
    Ph.D - Systems Science
    United States

    View Profile

  •   Maamoun Ahmed
    United States

    View Profile

  •   Charles Edeki
    PhD in Information Technology
    United States

    View Profile

  •   James Bass
    phd in information technology
    United States

    View Profile

  •   Newton Lee
    Ph.D. Computer Science
    United States

    View Profile

View All Faculty Members

The School of Computer Science helps individuals to learn the use of computers and also the scientific way in which people and computers work together. The school offers a wide range of rewarding career opportunities to graduates with a degree in computer science. You can earn the following average salaries according to the field you choose to pursue your career in:

Majors Average Annual Salaries
Telecommunications $50,850 - $58,030
Multimedia & Animation $43,500 - $83,250
Software Engineering $90,530 - $103,180
Information Technology $69,160 - $115,780
Web Development $46,000 - $108,000
Network Management $69,160 - $115,780
Computer Science $64,200 - $116,000
  • 16 Schools & 71 Majors
  • Associalte's to PhD level programs

“Completing a doctorate's degree in Computer Science has been a rewarding journey. I feel overwhelmed when I receive acknowledgement at certain stages on my professional progress and on my research paper. I worked closely with my supervisor who had been very supportive and encouraging, as well as understood my other work commitments.”


Amanda Cole
Utah, USA
Class of

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The program fees shown above of other Universities is only for information purposes and was taken on from their respective websites.

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